Saturday 24 March 2012

Mind over Matter - ورشة عمل لتطوير الذات بعنوان العقل قبل المادة

ورشة عمل لتطوير الذات بعنوان العقل قبل المادة
24 مارس 2012
من 7:30 مساءً - 11:30 مساءً
فندق اليت 
للمزيد من المعلومات, اضغط هنا لصفحة الفيس بوك
24th March 2012
from 7:30 pm - 11:30 pm
The Elite Resort and Spa 

CF events was very proud with the outcome of their first successful event last month, and welcomes you all back to their 2nd Motivational Event with Guests speakers from England and Bahrain. Be inspired with our topic 'Mind over Matter? What will our Speakers have to Say? Our star Guest Sadaf Alam will share her business experience and struggles of reaching her Goals in life with a disability followed by Bader Murad
Not to be missed! Charity Donation for the R.I.A Nursery for Autistic Kids will be donated on the night of this Event.

Dress code Formal, and a raffle, so hold onto your tickets.. priced at only 10d for all this at LCF. 

Click here for their facebook page

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