Friday 25 May 2012

Amwaj Marina Summer Biathlon مسابقة امواج مارينا للبايثلون للسباحة والجري

مسابقة  امواج مارينا للبايثلون للسباحة والجري 
الجمعة 25 مايو 2012
4 مساء
أمواج مارينا

يخصص ريع المسابقة لجمعيات التوحد والاعاقة الذهنية في البحرين

يبدأ التسجيل في الثانية مساء 

لمزيد من المعلومات الاتصال على 39132102

Amwaj Marina Summer Biathlon
Friday 25th May 2012 – 4 pm
Amwaj Marina / Amwaj Islands

Organiser :
Red House Marketing
(Publishing, Online Media, Advertising, Event Management, PR, Research)

Proceeds from the event to support ‘Intellectual Disability & Autism’
centers in Bahrain..

Summer Biathlon (Main Event)
16+ years & above, both sexes
600 meters Swim in the sea followed by a 5 KM Run.
It’s open to all – both sexes, 16+ years & above, both sexes,
Individual entry or Teams of 2 athletes.

on the same day the followings to be organised :-
Juniors Tri a Bi
12 to 15 years, both sexes
300 meters Swim in the sea followed by a 3 KM Run.
Individual entry or Teams of 2 athletes.

Try a Bi
16+ years & above, both sexes
300 meters Swim in the sea followed by a 3 KM Run.
 Individual entry or Teams of 2 athletes.

DIADORA  Walk-A-Thon
distance ; 4 km (11+ years, both sexes)

Plus other family activities (for FREE) ; like : face paintings, henna, bouncy castle,
Pony Rides, a DJ playing your favorite music till 8 pm same day.

Entry Fee
Juniors (12-15 Years); Individual entry: BD 6 per athlete.
Adults (16+) - Individual entry : BD 8 per athlete. 
Adult & Juniors - Team entry, BD 9 per team.
Walkers – BD 2 per

Each participant (including teams) will receive ; a tshirt, a BBQ Buffet voucher.
BBQ start at 6 pm same day at the venue.
Walkers ; will receive only a tshirt.

BBQ Buffet vouchers will be on-sale at BD 4 per person, including a soft drink
or water.
Also, light snacks & beverages will be on-sale at reasonable prices.

Opens on the day of the event  between 0200 pm and 0415 pm

The Race Numbers will be written on the arms/& thighs of athletes registered for
the Biathlon only.

For more details OR to Support the event , Please call or email :-
Mr Adnan Alqassab
Event Director 
Amwaj Marina Summer Biathlon
Mobile : +973 39132102
Email :

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