Saturday 6 April 2013

Qala’at al-Bahrain Treasure Hunt Games البحث عن الكنز

البحث عن الكنز 
6 أبريل 2013
10 صباحا - 12 ظهرا
قلعة البحرين

Qala’at al-Bahrain Treasure Hunt Games
 6 April 2013
10 am - 12 pm 
Bahrain Fort

On the occasion of celebrating World Health Day, Qala’at al-Bahrain archaeological site, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, is hosting festive events and games, including Treasure Hunt around the fort on Saturday,  from  10:00 -12:00 am. The fortress will be transformed into an adventure and fun field for all family members, in addition to the health services to be offered to all participants.  

Participants will have a tourist and cultural trip to the prestigious UNESCO World List site of Qala’at A-Bahrain. They will have the chance to explore the historic vestiges of Qala’at al-Bahrain site, while searching for the hidden treasure.  The Ministry of Health will provide free medical checking for the public.

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