Sunday 8 September 2013

Art Exhibition " the voice within / the voices without" المعرض الفنّيّ لمجموعة "ألفاء"

المعرض الفنّيّ لمجموعة "ألفاء"
7 - 14 سبتمبر 2013
متحف موقع قلعة البحرين

Art Exhibition " the voice within / the voices without"
7 -14 September 2013
Bahrain Fort Museum 

 يتضمّن المعرض عددًا من الأعمال والتّجارب الفنّية المتنوّعة، والأساليب الحداثيّة في التعبير، لمجموعة من الشباب من أصحاب المواهب التشكيليّة

The exhibition by the title of  the voice within / the voices without explores the idea that good and evil can be derived from an internal conscience as well external influences. People are constructed both from the inside-out as well as from the outside-in. We also look at the way in which we treat and act towards others; the backbone of human relationships - and therefore society as a whole.

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