Wednesday 7 March 2012

المهرجان الفنى لعام 2012 - Art festival 2012

٧-١٠ مارس ٢٠١٢
مجمع العالى
7th - 10th March 2012
Al Aali Shopping Complex 

يستضيف مجمع العالى, ولأول مرة فى مملكة البحرين احد أكبر المهرجانات الفنية التى تهدف لجذب أصحاب المواهب معا من كافة أرجاء المملكة فى مكان واحد. لا حدود للفن, ومن أجل تفعيل هذا الحدث, يقدم مجمع العالي لفناني مملكة البحرين فرصة لعرض معروضاتهم الفنية فى المجمع.

للمزيد من المعلومات اضغط هنا للصفحة الرئيسية او اضغط هنا لصفحة الفيس بوك

Al Aali shopping Complex is hosting the Art Fest in association with Media Edge which aims to bring together talent from all across the country under one roof. Art has no boundaries, and to validate this Al Aali presents the artists of Bahrain the opportunity to feature their exhibits at the Complex. Established artists and upcoming artists from across the island are invited to showcase their talent as well as sell their work in various disciplines such as Painting, sculpting, fashion designing, music, photography, calligraphy, pottery etc. To be held at Al Ali Shopping Complex, the Art Fest will create an open platform for talent from various artistic disciplines. Synonymous to the saying "Art Transcends Barriers"; this Art Fest aims to amalgamate the various different cultures on the island. The objective is to transform the shopping complex into a canvas to create a living gallery with different forms of art that would inspire, captivate and enthrall the people who visit the Art Fest. It’s your chance to see some of the finest creations from the minds and hands of the artists in Bahrain. The Art Fest also aims to raise funds through the sale of art by the various artists and donate up to 20% of the proceeds to various charitable causes in the country.

For more information, click here for their official website or here for their Facebook page

لقطات من المعرض
Photos from the Art Exhibition 

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