Monday 12 March 2012

AN EVENING OF POETRY SAMIH AL-QASSIM أمسية شعرية للشاعر سميح القاسم

أمسية شعرية للشاعر سميح القاسم
12 مارس 2012
بيت الشعر
لمزيد من المعلومات اضغط هنا 
استلمنا هذا الاشعار من المنظمين
نظرا لظروف صحية خاصة بالشاعر سميح القاسم تم تأجيل هذه الامسية
لموعد آخر
وسوف تقام الليلة امسية لطه ياسين (من المغرب) بعنوان أكره الحب 

12 March 2012
House of Poetry 

Received from organizers :
Due 2 health reasons Samih AlQassem's evening @ Poetry House is postponed This evening Taha yassin from Morocco will present "I hate love"

Samih Al Qasim is among the most famous Palestinian poets. His poetry is influenced by two primary periods of his life: before and after the Six-Day War. Al Qassim has published numerous poetry collections. Some of them have been translated into English. Many of his nationalistic poems have been put to music. He is the editor in chief of the Palestinian newspaper Koull El Arab.

Click here for more information 

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