Friday 9 March 2012

TAIKO LEGEND HEART BEAT FROM JAPAN استعراض الطبول اليابانية

استعراض الطبول اليابانية
9-10 مارس 2012
8 مساء
الصالة الثقافية
لمزيد من المعلومات اضغط هنا 

9 - 10 March 2012
8:00 pm 
Cultural Hall 

Eitetsu Hayashi, an international acclaimed pioneer of solo-performance in Japanese traditional drum “Taiko”, is on his premiere Middle-Eastern tour. He is accompanied by Japanese bamboo flutist Makoto Takei and four passionate drummers from Eitetsu’s “Fu-Un no Kai”. The young talented Taiko drum ensemble, Eitetsu will create the new perspective of Taiko, encountering the unseen world to himself, in an authentic and cutting-edge performance.

Click here for more information 

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