Thursday, 12 April 2012

Social Media Hands on Workshop ورشة عمل لاساسيات التواصل الاجتماعي

ورشة عمل لاساسيات التواصل الاجتماعي
12 أبريل 2012
8,30 صباحا - 3 مساء
فندق الخليج
لمزيد من المعلومات اضغط هنا 

Social Media Hands on Workshop
12 April 2012
8.30 am - 3 pm
Gulf Hotel

Bahrain International eGoverment Forum 2012 presents Social Media Workshop produced by Social Media Club Bahrain in association with

This workshop is a brief introduction to the world of social media; helping to grasp the concept of the consumer behavior in today’s digital world and brief introduces social media and social media networks as a whole. 

It will explain to trainees the importance of major social networks, how to get started, listen to conversations and hold great conversations as well as the techniques of sharing information understanding networks on a personal and on a business level.

Social Media Workshop - Objectives
 * Training participants on the use of social media networks for social communication
 * Employing social media platforms to serve the corporate goals.
 * Increasing the level of awareness, promotion and clients’ services through social networks.
 * Helping participants acquire intensive knowledge and professional skills in new media and social media

For more information click here

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