Saturday 12 May 2012

معرض للصور من قبل ارنو همبرت - Photo exhibition by Arnaud Humbert

معرض للصور من قبل ارنو همبرت
12 مايو - 7 يونيو
من الساعة 4:30 مساءً
لاميزون جامشير

Photo exhibition by Arnaud Humbert
12th May - 7th June
At 4:30 PM
La Maison Jamsheer

This exhibition, produced in Dubai in partnership with the Alliance française Dubai, is the first stage of a journey throughout uniqueness and diversity of the Arab worlds. This first chapter stops over in the UAE, Lebanon, Syria, Libya and Iraq.

With 36 photographs, Arnaud Humbert, the photographer illustrates the complexity of the Arab world. It resembles a mosaic rather than a monolithic world which one could unconsciously be tempted to perceive. Art, and more specifically Fine Art Photography, is the perfect lens to capture the complexity and the beauty of this world.

This exhibition aims to illustrate what seems at first sight to be a paradox but is a constant quest for a balance between identity and the mirage of a unified world.

French by nationality, Arnaud Humbert is a professional photographer renowned on the artistic scene. He works actively with renowned agencies, institutions, corporations....and exhibits regularly his portfolios in the Gulf region on a regular basis.

للمزيد من المعلومات. اضغط هنا للصفحة الرئيسية 
for more information, click here for their official website

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