Thursday 22 March 2012

15th International Book Fair 2012

22 مارس - 1 ابريل 2012
مركز البحرين الدولي للمعارض
مفتوح يوميا من 9 صباحا إلى 10 مساء عدا الجمعة من 3 مساء
للمزيد من المعلومات , اضغط هنا

22 Mar - 1 Apr 2012 (annual)
Bahrain International Exhibition Centre (BIEC)
Daily 9am-10pm (from 3pm Fri)

The impressive Bahrain International Exhibition Centre (BIEC) fills with reading material in all its guises - traditional paper pages and their electronic versions too - for the International Book Fair. Lectures, meetings and poetry evenings complete the programme.

for registration, click here
For more information, Click here

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