Sunday 18 March 2012

MAJA SORIC JEWELRY EXHIBITIONمعرض مجوهرات لمايا سوريك

معرض مجوهرات لمايا سوريك
18-31 مارس 2012
جاليري البارح
لمزيد من المعلومات اضغط هنا 

18 - 31 March 
7:00 pm (opening)

abcad / Albareh will host a solo exhibition by Maja Soric; a versatile creative artist. The beauty of Maja Soric wearable Accessory/Sculpture works, is inspired from the fact that she tries to mix eastern and western cultures to produce pieces of wearable accessories, which combine in their design the rigidity reflected from the West, also the warmth reflected from the East. A talk about jewellery design will also be presented by the artist.

for more information, click here 

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